December’s unpredictable weather continued as we reached our end-of-year training barbecue, so much so that many who planned to attend, did not, for fear of possible thunderstorms and rain. But those who DID brave the day had an adventure for sure, but one that had a happy ending.
Thanks to Trevor’s thoughtfulness and instigation, students donated a portable BBQ unit and a cooler, presenting it to the club today with the hopes of many more training bbq’s in future. Sifu christened it with a ceremonial beer to start the day – a day filled with unexpected surprises! As the people continued to turn up, we had some old friends, some new ones, some family members and Big Shawn even turned up, crutches and all.
But the clouds thickened and grew darker, then the rains came with strong winds and colder temperatures… what happened to Summer and its warmth? Trevor couldn’t get the barbecue to do anything other than provide a bit of warmth for us shivering fools because the winds were so strong, and Steve wasn’t happy that his famous chili beef noodle dish wasn’t going to melt a glass of water, never mind an ice cube!
But Sifu wasn’t going to let a “little” wind and rain ruin the day, and said, “You must think positively… you must B-E-L-I-E-V-E!” And then he called on all of his chi power, sent it to the nearby barbecue…
and with that, the rain stopped and the winds died down, and the sun fought to come through the clouds. It was enough to get the barbecue going, so without further ado, the food went on the hotplate and we were finally cookin’!!!
With some hot and hearty food, healthy salads and Trev’s famous Mars Bar Slices (you guys who didn’t come really missed out!), we sat down and enjoyed a great meal with some great friends. Ayumi’s seasoned chicken wings, her home-made potato salad buns and those delicious coconut biscuits also were to die for! At least all the good chefs turned up on the day, despite the weather!
Now with sated appetites and energy to burn, we DID manage to get in some training as promised. Even Big Shawn, crutches notwithstanding, put forth seated chi sao challenges to all. The wind chill may also have been a small reason for people wanting to workout!
Thank you all for your support and dedication in 2010, and thank you ALL – those who came out on this unpredictable and unusual “summer” day, for sharing your warmth and friendship with the Academy. Good times and little things like these bond us together as we all continue our journeys of self-development; I am honored to be amongst you.
Happy Holidays to ALL – may you enjoy good health and good fortune in your festive celebrations and for the coming New Year!!!
* are we finished yet???