Twins Plus Festival – March 2012

Australia’s largest multiple-birth festival, the TwinsPlus Festival,  celebrates those who are rare enough to be born a twin (or more). The event celebrates the joy of multiplicity. Every three years, twins and other multiples from around Australia and the world converge in one place to share their “uniqueness” and a fun day is had by one and all.

The Academy was asked to help out with the celebrations and activities for this year’s TwinsPlus Festival, held at the Caulfield Racecourse. We marched out Luigi, our Green Dragon, to help mark this special occasion. Our special thanks to the following for donating their time and efforts to bring some fun and happiness to John, or was it James; and to Minni… or was it Mimi… 🙂

Gratefully, none of these are twins so thanks to (in no special order): Steve Colebrook, Matilda Colebrook, Trevor Cook, Andrew Gurman, David James, Susie Roczo-Farkas, Matias Sandonato, Wesh Tobin, Simo La-Wren Wong, and Logan Wong.

We even got some of the twins to help us out with the dragon – click here!


Venice Workshops – March 2012

Having laid new groundwork with our Italian brothers and sisters last year, I returned to Venice to answer the inevitable “what ifs” and to reinforce the condensed training concepts previously introduced. Sifu Mirco and his group are an enthusiastic and determined lot, and we filled two weekends with some solid training and with examples of how to train what was being learned.

During the week, I also taught their normal classes so that we could maximise the time I was there, to help them understand the training more thoroughly in preparation for future visits and development.

Our training methods must be worth merit, as I also met with two other European Wing Chun Sifu; one from Greece, the other from Cyprus. Both came along with a desire to see what and how we train, having heard of us and what we do. Sifu Panayiotis Brebos of Greece and Sifu Yiannos Christoforou of Cyprus were both impressed by our outlook on Wing Chun training and have asked me to plan some seminars to their respective schools.

Despite photos to the contrary (click here), it was a training-intensive visit to the Mediterranean this time, but we did find some time to include some fun to balance it all out. Attitude makes ALL the difference, and our European brethren have got a great attitude. Thanks to Sifu Mirco Zago and his family and students for making it possible for us to share our concepts and to grow our kung fu family. Their determination, their friendship and their hospitality make them worthy brothers and sisters!


Underway Once More

Hi, all,

Just a brief post to apologise for the recent inactivity at the site. Due to a scripting problem, we were unable to access the control panel to even upload an old backup and were stuck in a “holding pattern” for the last couple of months.

But all seems to have been rectified, and we’ll be posting information on recent events and upcoming seminars and programs again soon. Thank you for your patience and for checking back during this recent problem. Look forward to sharing more again with you very soon!
