It’s All GREEK to Me!!!

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On my recent visit to Europe, I stopped in Athens to see my good friend, Sifu Panagiotis Brebos, and spent some time with him and his students there. I was happy to see that an interview I did some time ago for “Mavri Zoni”, Greece’s martial arts magazine, had finally been published. 

MavriZoni mag article collage

You can read the English translation of that article here:  mavrizoni greece interview 2013

*Please note that either through misunderstanding with the writer, or through translation of my article into English, the following error occurred: Mr Gilbert Lam, my very first Wing Chun instructor is said to have been a student of the late Sifu Wong Shun Leung. My training, however little it was, that came from Sifu Wong Shun Leung, was taught to me by my sihing, Mr James Ng (who introduced all of us to Mr Lam), who left Boston to live in Hong Kong in the late 1960’s and trained with him there for one year, and who returned to Boston to train me and others in our private Wing Chun “club”, what he learned from the late master Wong – there is NO direct claim stated or implied herein, that I have ever received any direct training from Sifu Wong.
