East Meets West… in a Catholic Church

Our dragon made history today, being the first Chinese dragon to help celebrate a Catholic mass as part of a special Chinese New Year mass at St Francis Church in Melbourne’s central business district.

St Francis Church is the oldest church in Australia, and is now also the first church to have had this historic crossover of cultures and celebrations happen… at least in Australia. The congregation was made up of many different ethnic groups, both Asian and non-Asian, and they all delighted to the “special treat” that today’s mass brought. The Academy is proud to have been a part of this historic moment; one which brought many, of different cultures, together in a celebration of unity and togetherness! See more this great event below.


Dragons Run at the Bendigo Racecourse

Our Dragon Dance Troupe was honoured to perform for the crowds, as Bendigo welcomed in the Year of the Dog with a distinct Asian flavour at the Marong Cup Day races at Bendigo Racecourse.

Young and old delighted to the antics of our dragon, as it weaved its magic, spreading good luck and good vibes to those in attendance. The weather was perfect for the event, the horses all ready to run, and the crowds excited – it was a great start to the new year!

Have a look at some of the fun and excitement of our day at the races in Bendigo!






Happy Year of the Dog

To ALL of our students, friends and supporters, Sifu Wong and the Qian Li Dao Academy want to wish you a Happy Year of the Dog!

Sun nin fai lok; xin nian kuai le!!! May you enjoy good health, good friends, good fortune and good times this year; make it a special year filled with exceptional memories!
