This page is dedicated to thoughts and ideas that I’ve had and will have, on martial arts training and its relevance to our life journey. After almost 40 years on my kung fu journey, I’ve discovered many parallels between what I’ve done in training and how it has helped me to navigate life’s obstacles and challenges. The discoveries I’ve had have enabled me to lead a richer life. My hope is that through my expressions on this page, others may find ways to help them find the opportunities and stepping stones that obstacles and hardships afford us all.
I may write frequently at times, and at others, hardly at all. But I will write spontaneously, for by doing so, my thoughts and ideas will come from within, as they are, with no manipulation or adjustment – as it should be, if we are to live “in the moment.” It is something we always try to be in, as a martial artist, and that we always want to be in, in our daily lives as well. For to do so is to exist fully, with an enriched sense of our world and the life around us. I encourage your comments and discussion with what I may write here, and hope that it will lead us all to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our training, and ultimately, to the real meaning of our life journeys.
Musings by Sifu Dana P Wong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
hey sifu_ looking forward to the dialouge and its actualisation_ peacepeace
I’ve known for a long time, my dear brother, that we are kindred spirits. Age, time, and distance may separate us, but I always know that you are there. I have gained wisdom from watching you become yourself and find your purpose and joy. I follow in your footsteps on my own path to become an acupuncturist. Trials and errors show us the way and make us stronger. Whatever work we do to learn and grow and know about ourselves, brings us closer to the gifts we can share with others – as inspiration or support.
Thank you for being a great listener, teacher, inspiration, and a wonderful big brother. Though we miss you terribly, there are never goodbyes – only until next time.
So, until next time…
Much love, your baby sister, Lani