Children’s Class – 2017 End & 2018 Start Dates

Our Pee Wee Pandas and Peaceful Warriors will finish their classes for this year on Thursday, 30 November.

Si-mo La-Wren and the Academy want to thank all the juniors for their enthusiastic participation and hard work they’ve done throughout the year, and want to wish them all a safe and happy Christmas and holiday summer break. 

Children’s classes for both programs will resume as from Thursday, 1 February 2018.


New Procedure for Wyndham Park Community Centre

To all who attend classes on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at Wyndham Park Community Centre – PLEASE NOTE:

As from next week, starting Tuesday, 21 November, the door to the centre will be locked at 7:05pm (unless there are other parties using the building). If you arrive between 7:05 and 7:10pm and the door is locked, call or text 0408 038 885 to gain entry. If it’s 7:15pm or later, just go home and realign your commitment to get to class on time, please. We found, and had to remove three young intruders from the building last night; two of whom were hiding in the handicap toilet and there was possibly another one or two who went out a side door and jumped the fence. So for security reasons, if not your dedication, please make efforts to be on time for class, thanks. Sifu
