Werribee Adult Class Amendments

For those of you who train at our Werribee class at the Crossroads Uniting Church hall, please note the following temporary room changes for your scheduling. These changes apply only to our adult classes on these dates; our children’s classes remain as normal.

On these four nights only, we will be training in the chapel room of the Church (in the main area of the Church), rather than the Church hall:

Thursday – 17 August

Monday – 28 August

Thursday – 31 August

Thursday – 7 September

Please make the necessary adjustments to your training calendars, and let any of your classmates know as well, thanks. All dates in-between and after these four sessions, we are back to normal, in the Church hall. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Mature Martial Arts (MMA) Program Updates

Our Mature Martial Arts (MMA) Program is off to a great start!

Our initial eight-week program participants are enthusiastic about their progress and have committed to doing a subsequent eight-week program to continue on with their training. The second eight-week program will begin for them, starting from Saturday, 5th August and running through to Saturday, 30th September, with the exclusion of Saturday, 23rd September as Sifu will be overseas that weekend in New Zealand.

For any out there wanting a weekday morning session, there are three possibilities to start another group. Timeslots for consideration are: Monday or Thursday mornings from 7:30am to 8:30am, or Wednesday mornings from 8am to 9am.

If you are interested in getting on-board a weekday morning program, see our MMA page here on the website for more information and contact details, and let’s see if we can secure enough numbers to start another group on a weekday morning.

Stop sitting around and getting stiff; it’s never too late to start.

Get active, stay active, keep active!


Werribee Class Time Change – Wed, 21 June

Please NOTE:

Our class at the Wyndham Park Community Centre, 55 Kookaburra Avenue, Werribee on Wednesday, 21 June will commence a half-hour earlier, starting at 6:30pm and ending at 7:30pm.

This is a one-off situation, due to a scheduling situation at the centre.

Please make a note of this for your scheduling; apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
